A better Navigator

Designers write classes from general to specific

In order to define the common properties of a series of sibling elements, designers start by setting a general class, then add combo classes to name and style more specifically.


A third combo class is frequently used for upper elements, either to address exceptions, occasions, or to differenciate elements that have the same combo classes already.


Webflow Navigator only shows the first class

The Navigator doesn't display combos. Only the first class. Which turns to something like the following. The block below approximately simulates the room available in the Navigator panel when this one is enlarged to the maximum.

Front end designers can make good use of a better overview

Wether it is during development, or maintenance, or during specific task such as building ambitious Interactions, which triggers the need to target and retarget elements in the Navigator panel, designers need to identify elements in the navigator more easily than they can today.

In a way or another, the Navigator could display more informations. Especially the combo classes of the upper elements, or all combo classes as soon as its width allows it.

Example with simulations of the Navigator at min width and max width:

There's plenty of room available for that. And there are many ways to visually address this. Another example, using a more developer approach, closer to the real DOM, with dashes instead of spaces, dots and hashs for classes and IDs. It has the advantage to teach web concepts even further.

What if I use a naming convention such as BEM?

Good for you, point stil stands.

Disclaimer: the simulation below shows what looks like combo classes defined in Webflow. However that's only partially true. In order to use BEM in Webflow, you have to define each class separately before stacking them up in a combo. An element CSS rule using BEM should be written like .form .form--internal .form--internal--november-survey, but if you stack classes in a combo before styling the combo, you'll end up with a rule written for .form.form--internal.form--internal--november-survey, which is completely different.